Thursday, October 9, 2008

Preparing for the journey

As we leave in two days, I cannot help but wonder what Dulac will look like, what we will find when we arrive. Here are some useful links that those of us on the VIM team have been passing around about where we'll be going. They help me to visualize, ever so slightly, what we'll see once we're on the bayou.

This website displays postings from the Dulac Community Center's Director, Jamie Billiot. Read her thoughts about the evacuations and flooding from Gustav and Ike:

Here's the website for the United Houma Nation, the Native American people that populates much of Dulac and Houma. Especially interesting are the sideshows of the area right after Hurricanes Gustav and Ike. You'll find that link on the right hand side under 'Hot Topics.' Click on the link for either Gustav or Ike.

More once we're there.

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