Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Photos from Volcano Masaya and Shopping

These pictures are from yesterday. The sign is from an organization we visited - the Consumer Protection Association of Masaya. I found it fascinating. Most of the complaints they work on seem to be focused on the major utilities - and most of the problems seem to be related to corruption, both high and low level. That was our one meeting, then we went shopping. We bought several things to sell in the Foundry auction - one of the major fundraisers for Volunteers in Mission. Foundry members - we've got some great stuff!! We went to the "new" market and the "old" market. One geared more towards locals, one more towards higher-end tourists. I didn't read the history of the "old" market - but in the mural picture - it's on the far right, inside the castle looking building.
After that we went to the Volcano Masaya - which is actively steaming. The last eruption was in 2001 I think - and the warnings we got on park information said that if it should get under your car. I was thinking molten lava - and that I wouldn't want to be on the ground - but I guess the problem really would be rocks and ash flying through the air. It was really incredible - I'd never been to an active volcano before. And it was really nice to get a little hike in - I've been missing my workouts and walking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hola Sarah, Yadira, Fred, Lucian, Lynn, Jana, Stephen, and Rebecca,

It's great to see the photos, to better know about what you're doing. Keep having a positive experience, learning and giving. Thanks for sharing ~ with the people you are meeting in Nicaragua now, and with those back Stateside who are thinking of and supporting you.

Enjoy your Friday in Mangua. What's the food like?

Peace, Lahn S. Kim