Friday, October 5, 2012

Day One Haiti VIM Trip October 12, 2012

We landed safely in Port at Prince today and were driven to the Methodist Guest House in Petionville. After a wonderful dinner provided by our hosts, we sat and chatted with other Methodists here for the week as well as folks who are here working on various development projects. We've had a great time speaking with folks who are on the cutting edge of development here and its amazing to hear the various ways that people are sharing the love of Christ around the country through innovative projects and partners with major US corporations. Foundry is just getting its feet wet as we explore what a long term partnership with our brothers and sisters in Haiti looks like. There is no doubt that God is with us as we move forward together. We're excited to head out tomorrow and get to our site at Guillotte.


Dean said...

Great! Thanks for keeping us connected.

Clare said...

Glad to hear that you all arrived safe and sound!